Friday, April 19, 2013

WARNING : Religion Causes Mental Illness

WARNING : Religion Causes Serious Mental Illness - A True Story
by King Nazir Muhammad

Attention People of the World - You are under a silent attack that is aimed directly at your mind, and your enemy is the very thing you believe would save you. World I am talking about " Religion " this enemy was designed to distort your natural perception of reality. And its intent is to bring salvation , but its author's sick idea of salvation is not peace but instead - the extinction of the entire human race.

World - I was introduced to religion at a very young age and as I grew I began to internalize the beliefs and ideas of Christianity and Islam. And this internalization led me to a diagnoses of a chronic mental illness called ( Schizo Affective Disorder ). This condition causes the victim to live in a state of delusion , and psychologist do not know the cause of this condition. But I have discovered the cause and the cause is Religion , and although this condition is rare I believe that it has existed for thousands of years.

I believe Prophet Muhammad , and even Jesus the Christ suffered from this condition because I can attest to the fact that it causes one to hear voices which I believed was god. And I have seen Angels and Demons and I have experienced what I thought where Revelations and I have even believed that I myself was the Messiah the son of God. And even though psychology wasn't prominent in biblical times , all the biblical figures where accused of " madness " even Jesus himself was accused of insanity - And he was !

Religion drove them crazy as it has done throughout history and it continues to drive man towards Armageddon. I being of the Islamic Faith can attest to the fact that Muslims are suffering from madness , and actions speak for themselves. Anyone who would blow themselves up in the name of god is insane and that is indisputable. The War on Terror is really a War on Mental Illness and it cant be won on the battlefield , it can only be won with the eradication of religion.

So to anyone who practices religion " please " destroy your Bible's and your Qurans and disassociate yourselves from the practice of religion. And seek immediate mental health treatment , and although Schizo Affective Disorder is a life long illness it can be treated with the right medications.

The Beliefs of The Online Church of Black $yientology

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